Details for the Transaction Page

You can view all details for a single transaction by clicking on its hyperlinked Transaction ID Number, throughout the XiPay WebGUI.

This page may be blue or tan (pulling from the OLTP DB or RTP DB) depending upon how you navigated it. If you navigated to it from a live mode (blue) then it will be in live mode. If you navigated to it from a reporting mode page (tan) then it will be in reporting mode. You must be in live mode to Edit a transaction. Only transactions in Authorized status can be edited.

The Details for Transaction page displays all details for a single specified transaction.

The Details for Transaction page is divided into the following sections.

Billing Information

The Billing Information requires a full name and address for the cardholder associated with the credit card. Name and address information are primarily used to identify the cardholder with a transaction and as a security measure, to ensure that the credit card corresponds with the cardholder information.

Field Definition

Card Holder Name

The person to whom a financial transaction card is issued or an additional person authorized to use the card. This name should match the name as it appears on the credit card.

Address Line 1

The address associated by the bank to the cardholder, the billing address.

Address Line 2

Any additional information associated with the billing address, such as building name, suite number, etc.


The city of the customer using the credit card.

State/Province Code

The state or province code of the customer using the credit card.

Zip/Postal Code

The zip or postal code of the customer using the credit card.


The country code of the customer using the credit card.

Phone Number

The phone number of the customer using the credit card. The recommended format for phone numbers is area code and phone number for U.S. numbers, and country code and phone number for European phone numbers.

Fax Number

The fax number of the customer using the credit card. The recommended format for phone numbers is area code and phone number for U.S. numbers, and country code and phone number for European phone numbers.

Shipping Information

Complete the Shipping Information fields only for transactions where the shipping information differs from the Billing information.

If the Billing and Shipping information are the same, select the Copy Billing Information check box to complete these fields.

Field Definition

Copy Billing Information checkbox

Select this checkbox to copy the information contained in the billing information fields.

Full Name

The full name of the shipping recipient.

Address Line 1

The intended destination address for the purchased goods.

Address Line 2

Any additional information associated with the shipping address, such as building name, suite number, etc.


The city of the destination address.

State/Province Code

The state or province code of the destination address.

Zip/Postal Code

The zip or postal code of the destination address Country The country code of the destination address.

Phone Number

The phone number of the shipping recipient. The recommended format for phone numbers is area code and phone number for U.S. numbers, and country code and phone number for European phone numbers.

Charge and Credit Card Information

The Charge and Credit Card Information section is vital for authorization. You must provide the credit card type, card number, and expiration date. These fields are required for all credit card transactions.

The major credit cards supported by US processors are listed for easy use. Even though listed, the processor or merchant setup may not support the usage of that card type. Most credit cards are 16-digit numbers, with the only notable exceptions are American Express (15 digits) and older Visa cards (13 digits).

All information is necessary for credit card authorization, billing, and settlement of accounts.

Field Definition

Charge Amount

The intended amount of the authorization request. Do not add any currency symbols or use more than the normal two decimal places.


The currency code of the authorization request.

Card Type

The type of the credit card being used.

Credit Card Number

The credit card number the authorization request is to be made under. If you are using XiSecure (Tokens) with XiPay, there is a link next to the Card Number field ,"Show XiSecure Token", that allows you display the token for the masked card number. This requires the Reporting (REP) User Role.

Additionally, if you have the appropriate permissions to view unmasked card numbers, you will see a link in this section to "Show Raw Card Number". This permission is requested via a separate form than the standard User Change Request.

Expiration Date

The expiration date of the credit card used.


A unique value calculated from the data encoded on the magnetic stripe of the credit card used to validate card information during the authorization process. Also, presented as a three-digit number printed on the back of the card. For an example, follow the Click for Details link.

Store Number

A text-only field that can be used for auditing/informational purposes only, as defined by your XiPay administrator. Information entered in this field does not affect any transactional data, and will not be detected in XiPay search functionality.

Level II Information

Level II fields are defined in the following table.

Field Definition

Purchase Order #

The purchase order number given to the merchant by the cardholder for business purposes to reconcile the purchase request.

Sales Order #

The sales order number assigned by the merchant for the transaction.

Tax Amount

The total amount of tax billed for the order.

Exempt checkbox

If you are not providing line item information, enter the amount of Sales Tax applied to this order into the Tax Amount field.

If you are providing line item information, leave the Tax Amount field blank. Taxes at the line item level are automatically summarized and added to the order. If this order is a Tax Exempt purchase, leave the Tax Amount field blank and select the Exempt checkbox.

Order Date

The date the order was placed.

Shipping Amount

The total amount of shipping costs for the order.

Duty Amount

The total amount of duty charged for the order.

Level III Information

You can edit all fields in the Level III Information – Current Line Item(s) table except for the Line Item Number field.

Field Definition


The number, in integers, of an item purchased.

Part Number

The item number, in terms of the merchant, assigned to the material.

Product Code

Usually the UPC, or universal product code, assigned to the item.

Unit of Measure

Descriptive measure of how the item is tracked or sold.


Descriptive characterization of the item.

Unit Cost

The single unit cost of the item without tax or other manipulators.

Line Discount Amount

Total discount applied to entire line (unit discount amount * quantity).

Tax Amount

Total tax amount applied to the entire line (unit tax amount * quantity).

Exempt checkbox

If you are not providing line item information, enter the amount of Sales Tax applied to this order into the Tax Amount field.

If you are providing line item information, leave the Tax Amount field blank. Taxes at the line item level are automatically summarized and added to the order.

If this order is a Tax Exempt purchase, leave the Tax Amount field blank and check the Exempt checkbox.

Line Item Total

The total cost of the line item, including quantity, tax, and discount amount. Leave blank to auto-calculate using (formula).

Add Line Item button

Button to create another line. Select to add to the current line items.

Transaction Status Information

At the bottom of the Details for Transaction page you will find the Transaction Status Information that provides the state of the transaction within the XiPay workflow and various response codes from the Processor. The Status represents the state of the transaction.

Multiple buttons located at the bottom of the Details for Transaction Page provide quick access to additional options; these are described in the following topics:

Depending on the rights you have been assigned as an individual user, some of the fields and function buttons at the bottom of the page may not be visible.