Responding to an Allocation Dispute (File Pre-Arbitration)

To respond to a Visa Dispute categorized as an Allocation:

  1. Navigate to the Dispute Inbox or the Chargeback Case Detail Screen for the desired case.

  2. Click the File Visa Pre-Arbitration button at the top of the page (as shown in the figure below). A dialog box appears containing information on the dispute including payment date and amount, ARN, dispute amount, and reason code, as well as the Visa-required questionnaire. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

  3. Select a reason for initiating the Pre-Arbitration (Step 1):

    • Credit processed

    • Invalid data

    • Proof of Manual Imprint or Evidence of Imprint (only see with certain reason codes)

    • Cardholder no longer disputes

    • Compelling evidence (only seen with certain reason codes)

    • Delayed charge transaction (only seen with certain reason codes)

  4. Enter the Pre-Arbitration amount associated with the request and include a brief explanation for initiating the Pre-Arbitration in the text box provided. Partial amounts are allowed and the amount cannot exceed the amount of the original chargeback.

  5. If you selected Compelling Evidence as a reason for initiating the Pre-Arbitration, select one of the Categories from the drop-down list (available categories depend on the condition code), and complete any additional required fields. See Compelling Evidence Options for information on the Compelling Evidence categories available.

  6. Enter additional information in the Notes field (Step 2).

  7. Select support document(s) from the list provided (Step 3) that are related to the case by clicking the checkbox in the Select column.

  8. If there are no documents listed, or you need to attach additional support document(s), click the button. See Attaching Support Documents to Your Case for more information.

  9. Click Submit.

After filing a pre-arbitration, if the Issuer accepts your argument, the disputed funds move back to your account. If they do not, you have seven (7) days to Create an Arbitration Request. See Filing for Arbitration , next.

Although Visa allows 10 days for you to request Arbitration, the Worldpay eComm Operations team reserves 3 days to resolve any potential problems