
When you've used the search features and filters on the Queue Dashboard, the results appear on the screen.

When you select a result, the queue tabs appear. This screen explains how to use these queues.

Live Queue tab

This tab shows you the live disputed transactions that met the search criteria you set on the Queue Review screen. It should look similar to the example screen below:

In the example screen, there are two live disputed transactions, displayed in a table. Most of the columns in the table are self-explanatory. Some need a description:

Some of the values in the table have a magnifying glass button next to them. Click on the magnifying glass button to display transactions with the same value. In the example screen below, the user clicked the magnifying glass button next to the Reason Code 4855. The system displayed all the disputed transactions with the reason code 4855:

Note:  There is a queue for transactions that have a Worldpay Vantiv upload error. See the Queue Criteria for more information.

Resolve the disputed transactions

The screen gives you several ways to resolve the disputed transactions.

To resolve all the transactions:

  1. Click the Resolve All field in the bottom left corner of the screen.

To resolve one or more transactions:

  1. Click the checkbox in the first column on the left, next to the transaction you want to resolve.

  2. Click the Resolve button.

Move a disputed transaction into your personal queue

Your personal queue is where the transactions you will work on are stored. To move a transaction from the live queue to your personal queue:

  1. Make sure the Actions Claim - Yes field is switched on (it is blue with a tick next to it).

  2. Click the ID number of the transaction in the ID column to display the Dispute Details screen.

  3. Click the Return to Queue button. The transaction will now appear in the My Claimed Transactions Queue.

My Claimed Transactions

This is your personal queue that holds the disputed transactions you'll work on.

Resolve all transactions

To resolve all the transactions:

  1. Click the Resolve All field in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Filter the queue

If the queue is long and contains many disputed transactions, you can use the Conditions fields to filter the queue:

  1. Click the Conditions Add field to display the Add Conditions screen.

FILTER - This is a drop down list of various conditions. Most are self-explanatory. Some need a description:


These are standard database enquiry operators. There is an Is Blank operator if you don't want to put a value in the Value field.

To add another condition, click the Add Another Condition button. You can add as many additional conditions as you want from the filter list.

The Operator and Value fields are mandatory. To reset the Conditions filter, click the Delete button (it has a picture of a bin) to the right of the Value field.

Work on a disputed transaction in detail

To examine a disputed transaction in detail, find the disputed transaction in your queue and then display the details:

  1. Click the ID number of the transaction in the ID column to display the Dispute Details screen.

  2. See the Dispute Details screen for more information about this screen.

Notification Queue

This tab shows a general view of the various notification queues.

There are five queues in this tab:

Early Notification of Chargeback (Info Only)

This queue contains transactions with an early warning of a chargeback being applied to them. These transactions are read-only, so you can't work on them. Use this queue to prepare a defence in advance. Just because a transaction appears in this queue, doesn't mean it will automatically become a disputed transaction - sometimes mistakes are made, sometimes an allegation is withdrawn.

VAP - Document Upload error

This queue contains US disputes that have one or both of these specific upload errors:

The queue ensures that you can fix the problems with these disputes, which would otherwise be rejected because of the errors. Once you fix the problem Worldpay can continue with the resolution process.

Note:  If you're not sure what action to take, contact your Worldpay Corporate Support Manager.

Supervisor Queue

This queue contains more complex disputes, or disputes with contradictory information or inadequate information. An experienced operator, the supervisor, will either work on these transactions, or allocate them to selected staff.

Defence Attempted by Worldpay (Info Only)

This queue contains disputed transactions that Worldpay has attempted to defend on your behalf, to prevent them turning into chargebacks. Worldpay has already sent defence information to the schemes (Mastercard, Visa..) for these transactions, so you can't work on them.

Charged Back (Info Only)

The disputes in this queue are chargebacks you lost, and for which a debit has been or will be applied to your account. This list is read-only - you cannot work on these chargebacks. Worldpay will debit your account.

Note:  If you click on one of the queues above to view transactions, and click on one of the transactions listed, the warning message below appears. This message reminds you that you cannot work on these transactions:

Queue Criteria

This table summaries the various criteria for the dispute queues. Once the dispute has met one of the criteria, the system moves it from its current queue into an archive.

Queue name Archive rule
Live queue
  • Customer has 12 days to respond from Load Date
  • If customer uploads defence & resolves to ‘Manual Review Complete’ then dispute is removed from queue
  • If customer actively accepts without providing defence & resolves to ‘Resolved – Accept Dispute’ then dispute is removed from queue
  • If customer does not respond, Resolution is automatically updated to ‘Closed – not Defended Expired Time’ & dispute is archived 2 days after the Reply by Date (Load Date + 14 days)
Early notification (info only)
  • Automatically archived 12 days after Load Date unless a Chargeback entry is received in the Live Queue within 12 days, in which case the Early Notification entry is archived immediately
Defence attempted by Worldpay (info only)
  • Automatically archived 10 days after Load Date, unless an update appears in the Charged Back queue within 10 days in which case the Defence Attempted by Worldpay entry is archived immediately
Charged back (info only)
  • Automatically archived 10 days after Load Date

Worldpay Vantiv - Upload error

  • Any US disputes which have receive upload errors 004 or 005 are directed here for the merchant to resolve
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