Responding to a Visa Case

The Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) process simplifies the handling of disputes, improves efficiency, and shortens the overall chargeback life cycle. The VCR system acts to block disputes that do not meet certain criteria. For example, Visa will block the introduction of a fraud dispute when there is a previous report of fraud on the account, and the issuing bank approved an authorization after the reported fraud.

As of April 14, 2018, all new Visa chargeback cases will use the new VCR system. Existing chargebacks introduced prior to this date will continue to follow the old methodology.

Visa separates disputes into one of two workflows:

  • Allocation refers to fraud and authorization disputes. For these categories, Visa determines an initial liability assessment in real-time for issuers. Acquirers and merchants have the ability to respond under certain conditions (e.g., compelling evidence, invalid data, credit issued, evidence of a manual imprint, etc.).

  • Collaboration refers to disputes that require interaction between merchants, acquirers, and Issuers. VCR reduces the time frames and simplifies communication through the use of questionnaires with standardized questions.

VCR Dispute Reason Codes in Return Reason and Change Codes lists the VCR dispute reason codes. Disputes/cases with reason codes other than those listed are legacy Visa dispute cases.

For more information on the Visa Claims Resolution process, see the Worldpay eComm Chargeback Process Guide.

Using iQ to Complete Questionnaires

You can complete the Visa-required questionnaires for each dispute type in iQ, as described in the sections below. Depending upon the type of dispute, a different action button appears on the Chargeback Case Detail Screen:

  • Allocation disputes (Reason Codes 10.x and 11.x) use the File Visa Pre-Arbitration button.

  • Collaboration disputes (Reason Codes 12.x and 13.x) use the Respond to Dispute button.

Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*). Some fields expand when certain options are selected, and additional fields may become required.

You can view an image of your completed questionnaire by clicking the document labeled Merchant Questionnaire in the Case Detail Attached Documents panel. If the document does not appear in the Attached Documents panel, you may need to refresh the screen to see any updates. Note also that if the Visa Resolve Online (VROL) system cannot be reached, the hyperlink may be replaced with the message, Can't view issuer’s dispute questionnaire.