The paypage
element defines eProtect account information. It replaces the card
or token
elements in transactions using the eProtect feature of the Vault solution. When you submit the paypage
element in a request, response messages will include token information.
Parent Elements:
authorization, captureGivenAuth, credit, forceCapture, sale, updateSubscription, fastAccessFunding
Child Elements:
Required: paypageRegistrationId
Optional: expDate, cardValidationNum, type
Although the schema defines the expDate
element as an optional child of the paypage
element, you must submit a value for card-not-present transactions.
Example: Example: paypage Structure
<paypageRegistrationId>Registration ID from eProtect</paypageRegistrationId>
<expDate>Expiration Date</expDate>
<cardValidationNum>Card Validation Number</cardValidationNum>
<type>Method of Payment</type>