
The cardValidationNum element is an optional child of the card element, which you use to submit either the CVV2 (Visa), CVC2 (Mastercard), or CID (American Express and Discover) value. You can also use this element to submit the DTVV (for Visa tokens) in place of the CVV2. You must submit a value for Discover transactions. While an optional element in the schema, best practice is to always include this value for card not present transactions. Failure to do so may result in higher rates of declines, an increase in chargeback cases, and/or transaction downgrades.

Some American Express cards may have a 4-digit CID on the front of the card and/or a 3-digit CID on the back of the card. You can use either of the numbers for card validation, but not both.

When you submit the CVV2/CVC2/CID in a registerTokenRequest, the platform encrypts and stores the value on a temporary basis for later use in a tokenized Auth/Sale transaction submitted without the value. This is done to accommodate merchant systems/workflows where the security code is available at the time of token registration, but not at the time of the Auth/Sale. If for some reason you need to change the value of the security code supplied at the time of the token registration, use an updateCardValidationNumOnToken transaction. To use the stored value when submitting an Auth/Sale transaction, set the cardValidationNum value to 000.

The use of the cardValidationNum element in the registertokenRequest only applies when you submit an accountNumber element.

Type = String; minLength = N/A; maxLength = 4

Parent Elements:

card, paypage, token, registerTokenRequest, updateCardValidationNumOnToken



Child Elements:
