
The updateSubscription element is the parent element for the transaction that updates the subscription information associated with a recurring payment. Using this transaction type you can change the plan, card, billing information, and/or billing date. You can also create, update, or delete a Discount and/or an Add On.

Parent Elements:

cnpOnlineRequest, batchRequest



Child Elements:

Required: subscriptionId

Optional: planCode, billToAddress, (choice of) card, paypage, or token, billingDate, createDiscount, deleteDiscount, updateDiscount, createAddOn, updateAddOn, deleteAddOn

Example: updateSubscription - Change Plan


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>

  <planCode>New Plan Code</planCode>


Example: updateSubscription - Change Card


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>


    <type>Card Type Abbreviation</type>

    <number>Account Number</number>

    <expDate>Expiration Date</expDate>



Example: updateSubscription - Change Billing Date


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>

  <billingDate>New Billing Date</billingDate>


Example: updateSubscription - Change Billing Info


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>


    <name>Customer’s Full Name</name>

    <companyName>Company’s Name</companyName>

    <addressLine1>Address Line 1</addressLine1>

    <addressLine2>Address Line 2</addressLine2>

    <addressLine3>Address Line 3</addressLine3>


    <state>State Abbreviation</state>

    <zip>Postal Code</zip>

    <country>Country Code</country>

    <email>Email Address</email>

    <phone>Telephone Number</phone>



Example: updateSubscription - Create Discount


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>


    <discountCode>Discount Reference Code</discountCode>

    <name>Name of Discount</name>

    <amount>Amount of Discount</amount>

    <startDate>Start Date of Discount</startDate>

    <endDate>End Date of Discount</endDate>



Example: updateSubscription - Create Add On


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>


    <addOnCode>Add On Reference Code</addOnCode>

    <name>Name of Add On</name>

    <amount>Amount of Add On</amount>

    <startDate>Start Date of Add On Charge</startDate>

    <endDate>End Date of Add On Charge</endDate>



Example: updateSubscription - Update Discount


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>


    <discountCode>Discount Reference Code</discountCode>

    <name>Name of Discount</name>

    <amount>Amount of Discount</amount>

    <startDate>Start Date of Discount</startDate>

    <endDate>End Date of Discount</endDate>



Example: updateSubscription - Update Add On


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>


    <addOnCode>Add On Reference Code</addOnCode>

    <name>Name of Add On</name>

    <amount>Amount of Add On</amount>

    <startDate>Start Date of Add On Charge</startDate>

    <endDate>End Date of Add On Charge</endDate>



Example: updateSubscription - Delete Discount


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>


    <discountCode>Discount Reference Code</discountCode>



Example: updateSubscription - Delete Add On


  <subscriptionId>Subscription Id</subscriptionId>


    <addOnCode>Add On Reference Code</addOnCode>

