Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page provides extended search criteria to help you find the information you need. From the Advanced Search page, which actually functions more like an interactive report, you can select any combination of search criteria based on what information you have available. Once you have executed the search, you can further filter the results by selecting and specifying additional search criteria.

As indicated by the tan background color, this report pulls from the reporting (RPT) database by default. Any transactions/batches submitted within the timeframe defined in the New Live Transactions/Batches - Last XX Minutes report it will not be included on this page; you must view that report for recently submitted items. They will be available in this report after they are replicated to the RPT database.

Perform Advanced Search

  1. From the Report or Operations menu, select Adv. Search or click link in upper right corner of home page.

  2. In the Available Searches group box, select the desired search criteria option.

  3. Search criteria fields display based upon your selection in the previous. The following table defines all possible text fields. Complete the search criteria fields as needed. Fields that are marked with asterisks (**), have wildcard search capabilities.

    Field Definition

    Auth Amount

    Select an authorization amount range to search for transactions that were authorized for a specified amount.

    Auth Code**

    Enter the authorization code issued by the clearinghouse.

    **Wildcard search available.

    Authorization Date**

    Select the date or range to search for transactions that were authorized on a specified date or time period.

    **Wildcard search available.

    Auth Ref Code**

    An additional reference code used by some processors at authorization.

    **Wildcard search available.

    Batch ID**

    The identification number given by the merchant to reference a group of transactions.

    **Wildcard search available.

    Bank Batch ID**

    This property is typically used in a scenario where the processor does not accept batches as large as the one submitted to Paymetric Gateway (XiPay). If the processor only accepts batches with a maximum size of 25 TransactionHeaders, the cartridge splits the batches into smaller batches using the rules defined by the processor for determining the identifier for the batch.

    **Wildcard search available.

    Bank Transaction ID**

    The rules for setting this property are defined by the processor. Not all processors implement this property.

    **Wildcard search available.


    Enter a card holder name to search for transaction from a specified card holder.

    **Wildcard search available.

    Card Number

    Enter a full credit card number on which you want to search.

    Note that wildcard searches are NOT supported for card number due to performance reasons with partial searches on encrypted data.

    Card Type

    Select a card type from the pull-down menu.

    Capture Date

    Select the date or range to search for transactions that were captured on a specified date or time period.


    Select a currency to search for transaction using a specified currency.

    Date Type

    Specifies whether you want to search for transactions by one of the following:

    • Modification Date = Date it was last modified.

    • Authorization Date = Date transaction was authorized.

    • Capture Date = Date transaction was batched and staged for settlement.

    • Settle Date = Date transaction was settled.

    Last Modified Date

    Select the date or range to search for transactions that were last modified on a specified date or time period.

    PO Number **

    Enter the purchase order number as defined by the merchant.

    **Wildcard search available.

    Sales Order # **

    Enter the sales document number as defined by the merchant. If you do not know the entire Sales Order number, you may enter only the first three characters to return all results for Sales Orders beginning with your search text.

    **Wildcard search available.

    Settle Date

    Select the date or range to search for transactions that were settled on a specified date or time period.

    Settle Amount

    Select a settlement amount range to search for transactions that were settled for a specified amount.

    Status Code

    Select a status code from the pull-down menu.

    Transaction ID

    Enter the number issued by Paymetric Gateway (XiPay) to identify a specific transaction.

    User Name**

    The system user name of the individual who modified the transactions for which you are searching.

    **Wildcard search available.

  4. Click Search. For tips on changing the column layout, see Add/Remove Columns, Reorder, Sort & Group Columns, or Filter Columns.

  5. To export your search results to MS Excel, click the Export option.


Wildcard search capabilities are under Available Searches options on the Advanced Search page. You can search by:

  • User Name, Card type, and Date

  • Cardholder Name, and Date

  • PO, Sales Order, Batch ID, Bank Batch ID, Auth code, Auth Ref code, Card Number or Bank Trans ID

  • Sales Order Number, Card type, and Date


Enter the text on which you wish to search with an asterisk (*) as the wildcard character. For example, search by Sales Order Number, Card Type, and Date option, and then enter INV1234* in the Sales Order # field.

The search returns transactions with the following SalesDocNumbers:

  • INV123456

  • INV1234G3

But not

  • ERTINV1234