You must not allow a recurring transaction to collect a payment when a cardholder has withdrawn authorisation for that transaction. Authorisation is withdrawn when the shopper requests that the Recurring Payment agreement is cancelled.
You or the shopper may notify us of the cancellation of a Recurring Payment agreement, using the Worldpay system, up until the end of the business day before the next payment is due to be made.
A shopper may also cancel the Recurring Payment agreement by notification to you direct. When this happens, it is your responsibility to notify us of the cancellation before the next payment. If you fail to cancel the Recurring Payment agreement and allow a payment to be processed, then the transaction in question will be regarded as unauthorised. It may be subject to chargeback in accordance with the terms of your account agreement with us.
See Find an Agreement ID, if you need to find an agreement ID for the shopper.
To cancel an agreement:
1. Log in to the Merchant Interface and select the FuturePay option from the left-hand menu.
The Merchant FuturePay Administration Page displays.
2. Enter the Agreement ID of the agreement that you want to cancel.
3. Click View Agreement.
The agreement displays.
4. Navigate to the Cancel this agreement field and click Cancel.
You are prompted to confirm the cancellation.
5. Click Yes to proceed, or Go back to agreement to abort.
If successful, a green banner displays at the top of the page informing you that the agreement has been cancelled. If unsuccessful, a red banner displays with the reason why the attempt failed.
When an agreement is cancelled emails are automatically sent to both you and your shopper. It is also recorded in the agreement's audit history.
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You can also use the iadmin servlet to cancel an agreement without logging in to the Merchant Interface. See Using iadmin to cancel an agreement for details. |