Using iadmin to cancel an agreement

You can cancel an agreement with the iadmin servlet as well as with the Merchant Interface. There is no need to login if you use the iadmin servlet.

To use the example shown below:

1.       Copy the example to your Web site

2.       Change the instId and authPW values to the ones you want to use

3.       Run the example in your browser, and enter the ID of the Recurring Payments Agreement you want to cancel

4.       Select the Cancel FuturePay Agreement button to post the message to

For details of the responses we send when we receive this type of message please refer to Responses and Code Examples.


<h2>Cancelling the FuturePay Agreement</h2>
<form action="" method=POST>
This code cancels the agreement that you give the id for.<br>
<input type=hidden name="instId" value="*****">
<input type=hidden name="authPW" value="*****">
<p>Enter the FuturePay Agreement to be cancelled
<input name="futurePayId" value="" size=6>
<input type=hidden name="op-cancelFP">
Cancelling an agreement
<input type=submit value="Cancel FuturePay Agreement">
