Responses and code examples

The code examples show the installation ID and remote authorisation password as XXXXX and YYYYY. If you re-use these examples, please ensure that you substitute your own installation ID and password. The examples are followed by the appropriate response strings.

Cancel an agreement

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="instId" value="XXXXX">
<input type="hidden" name="authPW" value="YYYYY">
<p>Enter the FuturePay Agreement to be cancelled: <input type="text" name="futurePayId"
value="" size="10"></p>
<input type="hidden" name="op-cancelFP">
<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel this FuturePay Agreement">

You must use the generated response to determine the success of the request. A FuturePay Payment Notifications (callback) message is not always triggered.

Response String


Y,Agreement cancelled

You have successfully cancelled this futurePayId

E,Problem cancelling agreement

Could not cancel this futurePayId

Change or specify the start date of an agreement

You can specify or change the start date of a Regular agreement. Enter the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="instId" value="XXXXX">
<input type="hidden" name="authPW" value="YYYYY">
<p>Enter the start date of the FuturePay Regular Agreement (YYYY-MM-DD) <input type="text"
name="startDate" value=""></p>
<p>Enter the FuturePay Regular Agreement to initiate: <input type="text" name="futurePayId"
value="" size="10"></p>
<input type="hidden" name="op-startDateRFP">
<input type="submit" name="startDate" value="Set Agreement start date">

You must use the generated response to determine the success of the request. No FuturePay Payment Notifications (callback) message will be triggered.

Response String


Y,Start date set OK

You have successfully set startDate for this futurePayId

E,Agreement already has start date

You cannot amend the startDate of a futurePayId if it has already been set

E,Missing start date

You are attempting to start a FuturePay Regular agreement with no startDate

E,Start date must be >= 2 weeks in the future

You are attempting to start a FuturePay Regular agreement (option 1 or 2), with a startDate less than 2 weeks from now

E,Start date must be in the future

You are attempting to start a FuturePay Regular agreement with a startDate either today or in the past

E,Failed to set start date

Worldpay could not set the startDate of this futurePayId

E,Invalid year : 1 Usage: yyyy

startDate not in recognised format

E,Agreement is not RFP

You cannot remotely set the startDate of a FuturePay Limited agreement

Change the amount of subsequent debits / set the amount of the next debit

You can change the amount of a Regular agreement with the iadmin servlet, for option 1 or 2 agreements, provided that there is at least 8 days before 00:00 GMT on the day the payment is due.

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="instId" value="XXXXX">
<input type="hidden" name="authPW" value="YYYYY">
<p>Enter the amount to request from the FuturePay Regular Agreement: <input type="text"
name="amount" value="" size="7"></p>
<p>Enter the FuturePay Regular Agreement to take payment from: <input type="text"
name="futurePayId" value="" size="10"></p>
<input type="hidden" name="op-adjustRFP">
<input type="submit" name="setPayment" value="Set next payment(s)">

You must use the generated response to determine the success of the request. No FuturePay Payment Notifications (callback) message will be triggered.

Response String


Y,Amount updated

You have successfully updated the amount for this futurePayId

E,Not a RFP

You are attempting to alter the amount of a FuturePay Limited Agreement

E,Amount is fixed

For this futurePayId you cannot change the amount

E,Invalid amount

The amount specified is invalid, for example, 199.9r

E,Inside warning period

Attempt to change amount inside the warning period for this futurePayId

Debit from an agreement

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="instId" value="XXXXX">
<input type="hidden" name="authPW" value="YYYYY">
<p>Enter the amount to request from the FuturePay Limited Agreement: <input type="text"
name="amount" value="" size="7"> (Merchant's currency)</p>
<p>Enter the FuturePay Limited Agreement to take payment from: <input type="text"
name="futurePayId" value="" size="10"></p>
<input type="hidden" name="op-paymentLFP">
<input type="submit" name="setPayment" value="Take set payment">

You must use the generated response to determine the success of the request. A FuturePay Payment Notifications (callback) message is not always triggered.

Response String


Y,transId,A,rawAuthMessage,Payment successful

You have successfully debited this futurePayId

E,Agreement already finished

This FuturePay Limited agreement has not yet started or the originally specified amountLimit has been reached

E,Not a LFP

You are attempting to debit from a FuturePay Regular Agreement

E,Payment would exceed agreement limits

Attempting to debit a FuturePay Limited Agreement beyond its limits

The following FuturePay Limited agreement messages use:

Response String


E,Payment failed – customer’s card failed

An attempted debit failed. The shopper should amend the payment details associated with this futurePayId

N,transId,A,rawAuthMessage,Payment failed - customer's WorldAccount has insufficient balance

An attempted debit failed. The shopper should amend the payment details associated with this futurePayId

E, Security violation

An attempted debit failed. Please contact your local Technical Support team with details of the error and the futurePayId you're using

N,transId,A,rawAuthMessage,Payment failed due to bank connection problem

There was an error in trying to submit the debit request; if retrying the request doesn't resolve the problem please contact your local Technical Support team with details of the error and the futurePayId you're using

N,transId,N,cardbe.msg.declined,Payment failed

An attempted debit failed. The shopper should amend the payment details associated with this futurePayId

N,transId,A,rawAuthMessage,Payment failed - unexpected exception

An attempted debit failed. Please contact your local Technical Support team with details of the error and the futurePayId you're using

N,transId,A,rawAuthMessage,Unknown result code

An attempted debit failed. Please contact your local Technical Support team with details of the error and the futurePayId you're using

Other FuturePay iadmin responses

The following responses are generated when using iadmin requests not described above.

Response String


E,Problem checking password

Either instId or authPW are incorrect.

E,Invalid agreement ID

Invalid futurePayId specified, for example,  1009ed

E,Invalid agreement ID

futurePayId not present

E,Problem building agreement

Worldpay could not retrieve details of this futurePayId

E,Agreement does not exist

A non-existent futurePayId specified

E,Not company agreement

futurePayId does not belong to your Company ID

E,Problem checking ownership

Worldpay could not determine which Company ID owns this futurePayId

E,Agreement already finished

Agreement complete, cancelled or suspended

E,Invalid operation

The op- variable is not known to Worldpay