Find an Agreement ID

You can search for agreements through the Reporting Page, using a variety of parameters. For example, you can use shopper names or their postcodes.

To search for a shopper's agreement ID using their name:

1.       Login to the Merchant Interface and select the FuturePay option from the left-hand Menu.
The Merchant FuturePay Administration Page displays.

2.       Select the Reports option under FuturePay, from the left-hand Menu.
The Reporting Page displays, listing the types of reports that are available.

Each report type is a link that opens the appropriate reporting page.

3.       Select the FuturePay Search Results option.
The Search Results reporting page displays.
See Search Results for details.

4.       Select Shopper Name from the Search By drop-down menu.

5.       Enter the shopper's name in the Enter Details field.
If you only know the beginning of the shopper's name, enter this and select the Starts With option from the Match By drop-down menu.

6.       The report is generated as a Web page.

7.       Accept the defaults and click the generate button.
The report displays once it has been generated.

The reporting page allows you to generate reports based upon a variety of criteria, such as:

Wildcard searches are also supported.

You can choose to view the results as a Web page, as an email, or save them in various formats, such as Excel or PDF.

For more details, see Recurring Payments Search Results.