Use the Account Batch Details (Balance Overview) page to view summary details about a particular account batch. If required, you can access the individual payments that comprise the batch from this page.
1. Select the Financial Status option from the left-hand menu to open the Financial Status page. (Note if you have more than one account, and have not yet selected a merchant code, you will be asked to do so on accessing this page.)
2. Locate the Pending Authorisation, Authorisation and Capture Summary section at the top of the page.
3. Select the Transfer Currency or Amount hypertext link in the Authorised Transaction section. The Account Batch Details (Balance Overview) page is displayed.
4. Under the Totals column, select the date hypertext link for the daily account batch you require.
This page displays details for the relevant daily account batch you have selected. It includes the date range in the Period Begin Date and Period End Date and the sum of open authorised payments outstanding in this batch in the Converted Open Balance field. If there are no outstanding authorised payments then the Converted Open Balance amount is zero.
The Credit and Debit columns display those amounts currently credited and debited in this account batch. In the Credit column the total amount for authorised payments in each relevant currency is displayed. The Debit column displays the total amount of payments that were originally authorised but have now been captured, cancelled and expired.
For full details of this page, refer to Page description - Balance Overview.
The value displayed for authorised and captured payments is an indicative amount as deductions for transaction-level charges (Transaction Service Charges and Guarantee Service Charges, if applicable), and the exchange rate used for currency conversion are applied at settlement. Refer to Settlement in the Introduction. |
Select the Show all Payments button to display all payments in this batch. You can then select the Transaction ID hypertext link for a particular payment to view order details for that payment. Select the Back button to return to the Balance Overview page.
Select the Show Open Payments button to display payments that are currently AUTHORISED but have not moved to a subsequent payment status. You can then select the Transaction ID hypertext link for a particular payment to view order details for that payment. Select the Back button to return to the Balance Overview page.