Introduction - customising the Payment Service pages

This section describes the structures and properties of the files used to build the Payment Service pages.

You can customise the Payment Service pages by directly modifying these files. This method of customising enables you to make more detailed changes and to have more control over the Payment Service pages than is possible with the Payment Page Editor alone.

Briefly, to customise the files:

1.      You will first need to download the default versions from our payment service.

2.      Edit them as required using a text editor.

3.      Upload them to the Test environment using the Payment Page editor.

For more information, please refer to the sections Downloading the Payment Service page files and Uploading Customised Files.

Please refer to the followings topics for further information about customising the Payment Service files.

Please note that you will need expertise with IT techniques as well as HTML coding for this kind of customisation.

Please note that we need to keep some control over the display of our Payment Service pages, and we have to protect some items/areas from customisation. Accordingly, some properties, such as the banner properties, cannot be changed.

If there is a particular customisation that isn't mentioned then please contact to see if we can assist.

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