Page Description - View Agreement : Limited

The following table describes each element or 'item' on the page, top-to-bottom, left-to-right.

The exact number of fields displayed in the View Agreement Page may vary depending upon the option chosen when the agreement was made. For detailed descriptions of these options and for examples of their use, please refer to the FuturePay Guide. Please be aware that some areas of this guide describe an older version of the Worldpay Business Manager (which is still in use), known as the Merchant Interface, or Merchant Administration Interface (MAI). Any instructions which talk about the Merchant Interface will not follow the same path as the Worldpay Business Manager.




This button opens the Payments Page, which shows the payment history for a particular agreement. Please refer to the Payments Page for details.
Note that this button will only be displayed if payments have been made.

This button opens the Agreement Audit History Page. Please refer to the Agreement Audit History Page for details.

This button resets the shopper's password. This action  will be recorded in the agreement's audit history.

This button opens the Merchant FuturePay Administration Page.

This button opens the Update Shoppers Email Page, which allows the shopper's email address to be changed. Note that changes will be recorded in the agreement's audit history. Please refer to the Update Shoppers Email Address Page for details.

Limited FuturePay Agreement Details

This area displays details of the agreement.

Agreement ID

WorldPay's unique identifier of the agreement. It is automatically generated by our payments service at the time the agreement is created.

Merchant Reference

The merchant generated reference for this agreement. By default the cart ID is initially supplied but it can be changed in this page, please refer to the Change merchant reference field in the Information Area of the page.

Merchant Name

The name of the merchant as known to WorldPay


An abbreviated description of the agreement. For example, it may be Reg op1, int 2 weeks: meaning that it is an Option 1, Regular Agreement, with a 2 week interval between payments.

Please refer to Limited Agreement Options for further information.

Payment Currency

The currency in which the shopper makes payment. The merchant must have an account for each remittance currency before offering the currency on their payment Page.

Note that this is not necessarily the same currency used by WorldPay to pay the merchant.

Please refer to your integration guide for details of the currency codes.

Payments from credit/debit card no

The number of the credit/debit card that will be debited by the payment amounts.

Credit/debit card expiry date

The expiry date of the credit/debit card.

Time created

The time at which the agreement was created, in GMT.

Individual payment amount limit

The limit of the payment amount, in the currency used by the shopper to make payments.

Agreement cancellation possible

The conditions under which the agreement can be cancelled. This is usually Any time.


This area shows information about the agreement. You can change the merchant reference, take payment of a specified amount, and cancel the agreement.

Agreement status

The current status of the agreement. This can be one of: Just Created, Operational, Complete, Cancelled by Merchant, Cancelled by Shopper, Awaiting Start Date, Attempt Limit Reached, Merchant Account Suspended, Shopper Card Expired, Waiting Validation Payment.

Payments made

The number of payments made to date.

Change merchant reference

This edit field allows you to alter the reference shown in the Merchant reference field in the Details Area of the page. By default the cart ID is initially supplied for this field. Press the Submit button to save the changes.

Enter amount GBP

This field allows you to specify the amount to pay when the Take Payment button is clicked. In the currency which the shopper makes payment.

Limit is

The limit of the payment amount. In the currency which the shopper makes payment.

Carry out transaction

Click the Take Payment button to carry out the transaction immediately.

Cancel this agreement

Click the Cancel button to cancel the agreement. Note that once it has been deleted the agreement cannot be recovered.

Shopper Details

This area shows details about the shopper.


The shopper's name, as entered in the merchant's payment page.


The shopper's address, as entered in the merchant's payment page, not including county/state, postcode, or country.


The shopper's county, as entered in the merchant's payment page.


The shopper's postcode, as entered in the merchant's payment page.


The shopper's country, as entered in the merchant's payment page.


The shopper's telephone number, as entered in the merchant's payment Page.

Email Address

The shopper's email address, as entered in the merchant's payment page. FuturePay allows the merchant to change this via the Update Shoppers Email Address Page.