Page Description - Update Shoppers Email Address Page

The following table describes each element or 'item' on the page, top-to-bottom, left-to-right.




This image shows the Go back to agreement button

This button returns you to the View Agreement Page.

This image shows the Find another agreement button

This button returns you to the Worldpay Business Manager Page.

Current contract details for agreement

This area displays the shopper's details and provides an edit field to allow you to change the shopper's email address.


The shopper's name, as entered in the merchant's payment page or as modified by the Shopper Management System.


The shopper's address, as entered in the address 1, address 2 and address 3 fields on the merchant's payment page or as modified by the Shopper Management System.


The shopper’s town or city, as entered in the merchant's payment page.


The shopper's county/state or region, as entered in the merchant's payment page.


The shopper's county, as entered in the merchant's payment page or as modified by the Shopper Management System.


The shopper's postcode, as entered in the merchant's payment page or as modified by the Shopper Management System.


The shopper's country, as entered in the merchant's payment page or as modified by the Shopper Management System.


The shopper's telephone number, as entered in the merchant's payment page or as modified by the Shopper Management System.

Email Address

The shopper's email address, as entered in the merchant's payment page or as modified by the Shopper Management System or as previously updated in this page.

New Email Address

The shopper's new email address. When you are satisfied with your changes, select the Submit button to update the details.

Note that the shopper will be sent an email, to the new address, with details of the change. A green banner will also be displayed at the top of the View Agreements Page showing details of the change, and a record of the change will be made in the agreement's audit history.