Case Detail Associated Transaction Stream

The Case Detail Associated Transaction Stream panel shows a chronological list of transactions associated with the current transaction. This includes transactions associated with chargebacks received on an old deposit that was deleted from our systems. This panel is identical to the Transaction Detail - Associated Transaction Stream panel. The table below describes all possible fields.

Note the following features:

  • The current transaction is highlighted in the Associated Transaction Stream panel.

  • If the authorization is successful, a check mark () appears next to the Authorization row in the Associated Transaction Stream.

  • If a transaction was ‘fixed’ by Account Updater, a wrench icon () appears next to the Authorization row in the Associated Transactions panel. The reversed Account Updater icon () indicates that Account Updater links were broken for this transaction. See Breaking an Account Updater Link for more information.

  • Each associated transaction includes a hyperlink to the detail page (Transaction Detail or Chargeback Case Detail) for that transaction. There are no links available for Direct Debit returns or PINless Debit Adjustments.

Case Detail - Associated Transaction Stream and Purchase History Panel

Case Detail - Associated Transaction Stream Field Descriptions




The type of transaction(s) associated with the current (highlighted) transaction:

  • Authorization

  • Authorization Reversal

  • Conditional Deposit

  • Refund

  • Rejected Payment

  • Void

  • eCheck Verification

  • eCheck Deposit

  • eCheck Refund

  • eCheck Void

  • eCheck Return

  • PINless Debit Adjustment

  • First Chargeback

  • Chargeback Representment

  • (Pre-)Arbitration Chargeback

  • Retrieval Request

  • Issuer Arbitration

  • Pre-Arbitration

  • Issuer Declined Pre-Arbitration

  • Issuer Accepted Pre-Arbitration

  • Response to Issuer Pre-Arbitration

  • Arbitration Won

  • Arbitration Lost

  • Arbitration Split


Gift Card Transaction Types:

  • Activate Card

  • Deactivate Card

  • Load Value

  • Unload Value

  • Activate Reversal

  • Deactivate Reversal

  • Refund Reversal

  • Deposit Reversal


The ID of the associated transaction, either:

  • Transaction ID (for Authorizations, Conditional Deposits, Refunds, Voids, Direct Debit (eCheck) Deposits, Gift Card transactions, etc.)

  • Case ID (for First Chargebacks, Retrieval Requests, Pre-Arbitrations, and Representments).

  • Direct Debit (eCheck) Return # (no link)

  • PINless Debit Adjustment ID # (no link)

Click the hyperlink to see the Transaction Detail or Case Detail screen for that transaction. There is no link for Direct Debit (eCheck) Returns or PINless Debit Adjustments as there is no detail page for these type of transactions.


The date relating to the associated transaction. For these transaction types, the date is as follows:

  • Authorizations, eCheck Verifications, Gift Card transactions - the post date the authorization or verification was received.

  • Auth Reversal - the post date the authorization reversal was received.

  • Deposit, Refund, eCheck Deposit, eCheck Refund - the post date the authorization was received.

  • Void - the post date the void was received.

  • Retrieval Request - the post date when the retrieval was assigned to the merchant.

  • First Chargeback, eCheck Return - the post date when the chargeback was assigned to the merchant.

  • Chargeback Representment - the post date when the representment was requested by the merchant.

  • (Pre-)Arbitration Chargeback - the post date when the chargeback was assigned to the merchant.

  • PINless Debit Adjustments - the post date the adjustment was received.


The amount relating to the transaction. In general:

  • Negative amounts are shown if the associated transaction is a Void, Refund, First Chargeback, or (Pre-)Arbitration Chargeback.

  • Italicized amounts are shown if the associated transaction is either not yet available or the transaction was conveyed.

  • For these transaction types, the amount shown is as follows:

  • Authorizations, eCheck Verifications - the approved amount if the authorization or verification was successful. If the authorization or verification failed, the requested amount is shown.

  • Authorization Reversals - the requested amount to be reversed upon approval is shown.

  • Deposits, Refunds, eCheck Deposits, and eCheck Refunds -the settled amount of the transaction. If the deposit is conveyed or not delivered (not yet available), the purchase amount is shown.

  • Voids - the negative purchase amount of the associated, but not yet settled, deposit or refund transaction. If the void was unsuccessful, “Unsuccessful” is shown.

  • Retrieval Requests - “N/A” is shown.

  • First Chargebacks, Chargeback Representments and Pre-Arbitration Chargebacks - the negative amount of the inbound first chargeback.

  • eCheck Returns - the negative amount of the eCheck return.

  • PINless Debit Adjustments - the amount of the adjustment (either negative or positive).