Balanced Distribution of Chargeback Assignments
Balanced Distribution of chargeback assignments is a method whereby new chargebacks are automatically and evenly distributed across analysts. For example, if an analyst currently has five (5) chargebacks in their Dispute Inbox and another analysts in your organization currently has less than five chargebacks in their Inbox, the next new chargeback to arrive is automatically assigned to analysts with the least number of chargebacks in their Inbox. Each additional new chargeback is assigned in the same manner, until each analyst has a similar number of chargebacks in their inbox.
With the appropriate permissions, the designated Chargeback Administrator in your organization selects the Balanced Distribution assignment method from the Chargeback Administration page (as shown in Chargeback Administration Screen), and then selects analysts who will be subject to the Balanced Distribution method.
To automatically distribute chargebacks evenly to analysts:
From the iQ Bar, click the Chargebacks icon and chose Dispute Inbox - Chargeback Administration from the list of available reports and tools, or from the Chargebacks Navigation bar. The Chargeback Administration page appears (as shown in Chargeback Administration Screen).
Click the Edit button in the Actions column of the Balanced Distribution row. iQ displays the Step 2: Assign Users screen.
Click the check boxes for analysts that are subject to Balanced Distribution of chargebacks.
Click the Step 3: Review and Confirm button to advance to the Review and Confirm screen.
Review the information on the Review and Confirm screen and either:
Click the Step 2: Assign Users button to return to the Assign Users screen or previous screens to make changes.
Select ‘Activate this rule when created’ and/or Save Rule.
Click Cancel
Click the ON button in the Active/Inactive column in the Balanced Distribution row to activate the rule (if it is not already activated), then click the Save Changes button.
iQ returns you to the main Chargeback Administration screen.
All incoming chargebacks are now automatically and evenly assigned to the selected analysts. Analysts only see chargebacks assigned to them, but can be assigned chargebacks by other analysts. Analysts can also access other analysts’ Inboxes to assign chargebacks to themselves, in the event that an analyst is out of the office, as well as assign their own chargebacks to analysts more suited to handle them.
Changes made on the Chargeback Administration Page apply to future chargeback cases only, and do not affect cases which have already been assigned to analysts, or deposited in the Unassigned Inbox.
To return to the manual method of assigning chargebacks:
From the iQ Bar, click the Chargebacks icon and chose Dispute Inbox - Chargeback Administration from the list of available reports and tools, or from the Chargebacks Navigation bar. The Chargeback Administration page appears, as shown in Chargeback Administration Screen.
Click the Off button in the Active/Inactive column next to the Balanced Distribution row.
Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
You can now manually distribute unassigned chargebacks via the Dispute Inbox.