
The fundsTransferId element is a required child of each funding instruction request/response transaction type, where it specifies the Payment Facilitator assigned identifier for the transaction. You must use unique values for each transaction across your entire organization. The system mirrors this identifier back in the response messages.

Type = String; minLength = N/A; maxLength = 36 (for all except fastAccessFunding and fastAccessFundingResponse)

Type = String; minLength = N/A; maxLength = 16 (for fastAccessFunding and fastAccessFundingResponse)

Parent Elements:

payFacCredit, payFacCreditResponse, payFacDebit, payFacDebitResponse, physicalCheckCredit, physicalCheckCreditResponse, physicalCheckDebit, physicalCheckDebitResponse, reserveCredit, reserveCreditResponse, reserveDebit, reserveDebitResponse, submerchantCredit, submerchantCreditResponse, submerchantDebit, submerchantDebitResponse, vendorCredit, vendorCreditResponse, vendorDebit, vendorDebitResponse, fastAccessFunding, fastAccessFundingResponse, customerCreditResponse, customerDebitResponse



Child Elements:
