
The fundingSubmerchantId element is a required child of most funding instruction request transaction types, but optional for FastAccess (required for Payment Facilitators) and Vendor Credit funding instructions. It specifies the identifier of the sub-merchant whose funds the instruction moves.

If you process transactions solely on the Worldpay platform or on both the Worldpay and Worldpay eCommerce platforms, use the Worldpay-supplied Sub-merchant Merchant Id as the value of the fundingSubmerchantId element.

If you process solely on the Worldpay eCommerce platform, use the eCommerce-supplied valueobtained, after creating the Sub-merchant, by submitting a Sub-Merchant Retrieval Request via the Merchant Provisioner API as the value of the fundingSubmerchantId element.

Please refer to the Worldpay eComm PayFac API Reference Guide for additional information.

Type = String; minLength = N/A; maxLength = 50

Parent Elements:

payFacCredit, payFacDebit, physicalCheckCredit, physicalCheckDebit, reserveCredit, reserveDebit, submerchantCredit, submerchantDebit, vendorCredit, vendorDebit, fastAccessFunding, fastAccessFundingResponse



Child Elements:
