XiPay Overview

The XiPay On-Demand Service allows processing of electronic payments through multiple payment processors. A processor is an institution with which a merchant has an agreement to process electronic payments and initiate funding with the merchant’s bank.

Electronic payment processing at a basic level consists of:

  • Authorization, which verifies and reserves funds against the customer's credit card, and

  • Settlement, when the funds are actually transferred to the Merchant's bank account from the Acquiring bank.

Authorization and settlement are usually a two-step process as follows:

The most common electronic payment type is a payment card. You may also accept eCheck or other alternative payments such as PayPal, Amazon or Bill Me Later. The payment types supported are dependent upon your chosen payment processor and what your organization has implemented.

Payment cards are used for cash-free payment in a variety of business transactions, from buying goods at a local store or over the Internet, to procuring goods and services on behalf of a company.

Authorizations are real-time transactions then settlement submission occurs in batches at set times.

Payment Card Categories

  • Credit cards – Used for purchasing goods and services with regular billing, usually with extended credit.

  • Customer cards – Used by customers to buy goods and services from a specific merchant or group of merchants.

  • Debit cards – Used as a means of cashless payment. The cardholder's bank account is debited instantly.

  • Procurement cards – Issued on behalf of companies to employees for purchasing items up to a given amount.

  • Walking cards – Issued on behalf of companies to employees for purchasing a wide range of goods and services for company travel.

Transaction Types

Each electronic payment processed results in a transaction. A transaction is a packet of payment data associated with an order. They are the charges that appear on a credit card statement. Each transaction has a unique ID assigned to it. In XiPay this is referred to as the Transaction ID; in SAP it is referred to as the Authorization Reference Code.

Transaction types are driven by the payment origination point. Payment processors have varying data for a given transaction type. Following are the standard transaction types:

  • MOTO – Mail Order / Telephone orders

  • eCommerce – Online orders from a web store for example

  • Retail – Purchases placed in person, during which, the card is physically presented for Payment. The Card may be swiped using a card reader or may be keyed into the POS system. When the card is swiped, there is data referred to as "track data" that is obtained directly from the card.

If a merchant incorrectly classifies a transaction they will be charged a higher processing fee. For example, classifying a MOTO or eCommerce transaction as a Retail transaction. The Processors (Cartridges) section contains links to the data fields (located in the data mapping spreadsheet) by processor that should be sent based on the transaction type.

Electronic transactions have features available at both authorization and settlement; see the overview sections for more information related to these features.

Refer to the Processors (Cartridges) to see which transaction types are supported for your chosen processor.


A XiPay Cartridge is the payment component that connects XiPay to the individual processors. Since each processor has extremely varied requirements and processing capabilities, there is a separate cartridge for each processor. See Processors (Cartridges) for details.


XiRecon provides settlement status reporting capabilities within SAP via PCMA. It consolidates transaction information between SAP, XiPay, and the payment processor. See XiRecon for details.


XiVerify enables you to make a call to a fraud service provider through XiPay using either raw card numbers or tokens with XiSecure. XiPay does not take any action based on the fraud score. It enables the Merchant to perform the fraud call through XiPay utilizing XiSecure tokens and provides results.

The Merchant develops logic based on the results to meet their business needs so you will need to find out from your System Administrator what processes and procedures you should follow with regards to the fraud score. See XiVerify for details.