XiVerify enables you to make a call to a fraud service provider through XiPay using either raw card numbers or tokens with XiSecure.
XiPay does not take any action based on the fraud score. It enables the Merchant to perform the fraud call through XiPay utilizing XiSecure tokens and provides results. The Merchant develops logic based on the results to meet their business needs.
Fraud Service Providers
Two Fraud Service Providers (FSP) are supported: Accertify and CyberSource.
Following are links to the data mapping spreadsheets that define the mappings between the fraud service provider data fields and XiPay data fields. The spreadsheets are mostly used during implementation, but can also be useful for ongoing reference.
This document is only referenced for Merchants that have implemented CyberSource Fraud Service ONLY but processing payments through a different processor.
When using CyberSource for ONLY fraud services, the merchant must have the Advanced Fraud Screen (AFS) enabled.
For Merchants using CyberSource for BOTH fraud service and payments, refer to the standard Cybersource Data Mapping.
There are three basic XiVerify workflows:
Fraud call only
Fraud call then immediate Authorization call
Authorization call then immediate Fraud call
This scenario can be configured to skip the Fraud call if the Authorization is declined. Because the Merchant develops logic based on the fraud score results to meet their business needs, the Merchant must provide the final workflow and procedures for fraud management to its end-users that process payments. Contact your System Administrator to find out how your organization implemented XiVerify.
For new implementations, an XiVerify Implementation Overview can be found in the Merchant Portal help site along with references to supporting integration documents and SAP client-side components.