General Payments Information

This section includes payment origination points, authorization overview, settlement overview, and the high-level authorization and settlement workflow.

Payment Origination Points

A payment origination point (POP) is any order entry source that accepts payment cards, eCheck, or other alternative electronic payments such as PayPal.

Various point-of-sale systems, web stores, CRM, ERP or other legacy systems can connect directly to Paymetric On-Demand services. They can also connect to B2B Payment's Intercept Services first for tokenization calls to prevent the propagation of unencrypted credit card numbers from to merchant's payment origination points.

SAP CRM and ERP systems connect On-Demand through a component called the Paymetric Adapter for SAP (PAS). It converts the standard SAP RFC TCP-IP calls to web service calls that communicate with XiPay and XiSecure On-Demand.

Authorization Overview

Authorizations are performed at the time of order entry. A call is made from your POP (e.g., SAP, web store, etc.) to XiPay, which then connects to the processor to obtain an authorization code. The authorization code is confirmation that the funds are available and reserved for settlement. This code is sent in the settlement submission.

In addition to the authorization code (which is essentially the authorization confirmation number), processors also provide various response codes depending upon the features you have implemented.

Expand the following sections for an introduction to the various electronic payment processing features.

Settlement Overview

Settlement is the process which triggers the actual transfer of funds to the merchant's bank. This process is usually performed as a batch job from the merchant's financial system such as SAP, other ERP, or legacy system. Settlement can also be initiated from XiPay WebGUI interface if the user has the appropriate permissions.

High-Level Authorization and Settlement Workflow

This workflow is common across the supported cartridges/processors; however, there are nuances that vary based on the processor at the payment function level which are discussed under Supported Payment Functions and Features (a.k.a. Operations) for each processor in the Processors (Cartridges) section.