When you click the Amount link of a specific payment listed in the Payments page, the Payment and Order Details window opens, with the following sections:
Order Details - this section lists the details of the order, including:
order code
date and time the order was made
payment reference
merchant’s name
email address of the card holder or shopper
name of the order creator
Payment Details - this section lists the details of the payment, including:
status (Last Event)
date and time the payment status was last updated
payment method used by the shopper (brand-protocol)
card holder name of the shopper
If the payment status is REFUSED, the refusal reason may also be displayed. CVC and AVS acquirer responses are shown on the right-hand side. For descriptions of different payment statuses, please refer to the Payment Process section of the WPG Integration Guide.
Risk Details - this section lists the risk details of the payment. It includes the Acquirer Returned AVS/CVC codes and descriptions, the shopper IP address and country, and the card issuer country
Payment Capture - when a payment has reached the status AUTHORISED, it shows the date the automated capture is scheduled and the full order amount. Alternatively, you can use the Capture and Cancel buttons to manually capture or cancel the payment. You can partially capture a transaction: the remainder amount is then cancelled. For some merchants, 'Multiple Partial Capture' can be set up for an extra fee, which allows you to capture multiple amounts (obviously only until the original authorised amount is reached). Cancelling a transaction cancels it in our system, however certain acquirers use what is called “passive cancellation” which means that they leave the authorisation to expire, rather than cancel it. This section is only displayed if you have the correct permissions
Refund - when a payment has reached the status CAPTURED or SETTLED, the Refund section is displayed. If automated refunds are available, a Refund button is displayed next to the original order, allowing for a full or partial refund of the payment. You may be asked to enter the recipient’s IBAN.
Payment status - this section provides more details on the status of the payment
Payment history - this section shows the history of the payment: all payment statuses that the payment has gone through and the corresponding date/time and amount (if applicable) involved. For some statuses (for example, SENT_FOR_AUTHORISATION and SIGNED_FORM_RECEIVED) no amount is displayed because there is no financial obligation involved with the event. The User column shows the name of the user responsible for transactions processed through the Virtual Terminal, and refunds and manual captures processed through the Merchant Admin Interface
Reference - a reference that can be submitted during a full or partial capture or refund. This reference is not visible to the shopper. The reference will appear within Payment history, to the right of User. The reference is shown in the following reports: Transfer by Batch Detail with Order Description and Capture References Summary (Payment ID)
Note: For more details about orders and payments, see the Payment Process section of the WPG Integration Guide.
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