Submit an XML order request

To process a shopper payment, you must first submit an XML order request containing the order and payment information listed in the following table:

Information Description

Order details

Provide the following order details:

  • Description of the order
  • Order amount, currency code, value, and exponent

For detailed information about the order details that you must submit, see:

Payment details

Provide the following payment details:

  • The payment method mask for the Alternative Payment Method (APM) being used to make the payment
    • Direct model: The order must contain only one payment method mask
    • Redirect model: The order can contain multiple payment method masks
  • Direct model only: The following result URLs to which the shopper must be redirected after the payment is complete:
    • successURL: The URL that is normally returned if the payment is authorised successfully in real-time. This URL is returned for real-time payment methods
    • cancelURL: The URL that is returned if the payment is cancelled
    • pendingURL: The URL that is returned if the payment is neither authorised in real-time nor cancelled. This URL is returned for delayed payment methods

Note:  In the redirect model, you do not have to include the result URLs in the order. You must append them to the response returned by the Worldpay Payment service.

Note:  For the direct and redirect models, the maximum number of characters in the result URLs is 1024 characters.

  • The statementNarrative element, which includes the text that must appear on the shopper's statement. This text is called the statement narrative or, on the Payment Service Provider (PSP) landing pages, the dynamic descriptor.

Shopper details

  • Direct model: Provide the mandatory shopper details
  • Redirect model: We recommend that you provide the maximum amount of data available. This avoids the shopper being asked later to re-enter data that they have already provided to you

The mandatory details that you must supply vary depending on the APM being used. For information about the mandatory details that you must include for individual APMs, see Supported Alternative Payment Methods (APMs).

After you submit an order:

The payment request is created in the SHOPPER_REDIRECTED status.

For example XML orders and the mandatory data that you must include in your order for individual APMs, see Supported Alternative Payment Methods (APMs).

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