APM characteristics and categories


The characteristics of the Alternative Payment Methods (APM) supported by the Worldpay Payment service are listed in the following table.

Payment category Description

Real-time APMs

The payment is normally authorised in real-time during the shopper payment journey.

After the Payment Service Provider (PSP) has authorised the payment and Worldpay has received the pay-in notification, the payment status on the Merchant Interface (MI) changes from SHOPPER_REDIRECTED to AUTHORISED, and you receive notification of the successful payment.

Note:  In normal circumstances, the shopper returns on the success URL. This cannot be guaranteed as authorisation is asynchronous.

Delayed APMs

There is a delay from the end of the shopper payment journey to the payment being authorised. The payment continues to remain in the SHOPPER_REDIRECTED status for hours or days, depending on the payment method used.

The payment delay can result from anumber of factors such as:

  • The shopper cannot complete the entire payment immediately. For example, if the shopper uses a voucher payment method, they might have to withdraw cash and settle the voucher at an outlet
  • The PSP receives notification from the outlet at which the shopper makes the payment a few hours after the payment has been made
  • The online bank at which the shopper makes the payment can only authorise payments during working hours

After the PSP has authorised the payment and Worldpay has received the pay-in notification, the payment status on the MI changes from SHOPPER_REDIRECTED to AUTHORISED, and you receive notification of the successful payment.

Note:  The shopper may return to the pending URL; in many cases, the shopper will simply close their browser and not return to the merchant site.

Hybrid APMs

When using hybrid payment methods, shoppers might have to interact directly with the PSP or bank during the shopper payment journey.

For example, when using a hybrid payment method, the shopper might have to:

  • Provide their eWallet credentials on the PSP website to approve an eWallet payment
  • Print out and pay a voucher

Note:  Hybrid payment methods can be either real-time or delayed.

Non-Hybrid APMs

Non-hybrid payment methods do not require any direct interaction between the shopper and the PSP or bank. All activity is self-contained within your website or the Worldpay payment pages.

For example, for a pre-pay voucher method, where the shopper has a unique code representing a monetary value, the shopper can do one of the following for a non-hybrid method:

  • In the direct model, type the code on your website
  • In the redirect model, type the code on the Worldpay payment pages

Note:  Non-hybrid payment methods can be either real-time or delayed.


Based on their characteristics, APMs are categorised as shown in the following table.

  Real-time Delayed


Real-time hybrid APMs

Delayed hybrid APMs


Real-time non-hybrid APMs

Delayed non-hybrid APMs

About Shipping your Goods or Services

We recommend that you:

For information about the anticipated delay for various APMs, see Supported Alternative Payment Methods (APMs).

Note:  To optimise the shopper and merchant experience, you can also include text on your website, requesting that shoppers who use delayed methods complete their payment within a given time period.

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