Acceptance currency, preferred currency and settlement currency

An Alternative Payment Method (APM) may have one or more acceptance currencies in which the payment is authorised. For example, if a shopper uses the SafetyPay payment method this payment is authorised in either USD or EUR.

Preferred currency

To manage payments that are not made with an acceptance currency, each APM also has a preferred currency. If a shopper makes a payment in a different currency to the acceptance currency, the amount is converted to the preferred currency, as shown in the following figure.

Currency Conversion

In the above example, if a shopper makes a payment in JPY when using the SafetyPay payment method, the payment is converted to EUR, which is the preferred currency for SafetyPay.

Worldpay settlement currency and merchant transfer currency

After a payment is authorised, the Payment Service Provider (PSP) settles the payment to Worldpay in the Worldpay settlement currency. Worldpay then settles the currency to you in the merchant settlement currency. The merchant settlement currency is specified in your contract.

For information about the authorisation, preferred and settlement currencies for individual APMs, see Supported Alternative Payment Methods (APMs).

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