Use the Payment and Order Details pop-up box to view full and up-to-date details about a particular payment. The Payment and Order Details pop-up box is accessed from the Payments page. Note that this page is also linked to a number of different Merchant Interface pages in order that users can view the latest details of a payment.
To access full details about a payment:
1. Login to the Merchant Interface using your user-name and password.
2. Select the Payments option from the left-hand menu. The Payments page opens displaying details of your payments for the selected merchant code. (Note that if you have more than one account, and have not yet selected a merchant code, you will be asked to do so on accessing this page.)
3. Find the payment you wish to view.
4. Select the payment's Amount hypertext link. The Payment and Order Details pop-up box is opened. This page enables you to:
View full order and payment details
Review risk details
Review payment status and payment history (financial details)
Cancel, capture and refund a payment
5. Close the Payment and Order Details pop-up box by selecting the close icon in the top right-hand corner of the box. The Payments Page is displayed.
For full details about the Payment Details pop-up box, refer to Page description - payment details.
For more details about managing payments, refer to Managing Payments in the introductory section.