You may want to cancel a payment when it has not been processed correctly or where you suspect fraud. You can only cancel a payment when it is at the AUTHORISED status. Cancelling at an early stage in the payment process can be beneficial to both you and the shopper, as no money has been deducted from the shopper's card at this point. This means that any unnecessary delay will be avoided.
Payments are cancelled using the Merchant Interface via the Payment and Order Details page (accessed from the Payments page) using a Cancel button.
Payments that have the payment status of CAPTURED or SETTLED must be refunded (see Refunding Payments). |
If you decide not to proceed with an order it is best practice to inform the shopper. You should, however, be careful about how you inform the shopper. In particular, you should avoid relaying information about the integrity of the shopper, as some of the ”r;rejects” will almost certainly be genuine (just as some of the acceptances may be fraudsters). |
For details of how to use the cancel functionality, refer to Cancel a Payment.