Edit the card/account holder name referral list

You can create and maintain a referral list of cardholder's names that you believe could be suspicious or known to be used in fraud attempts by using the Card/Account Holder Name Referral List.

1.       Login to the Merchant Interface using your username and password.

2.       Select the Risk Management option from the left-hand menu to open the Risk Management page.

3.       In the Referrals List section of the page, select the pencil symbol in the Card/Account Holder Name Referral List row. This opens an edit page from where you can view your referral list and add or delete entries. Note if you have more than one merchant code and have not yet selected a merchant code you will be asked to do so at this point. 

The name is saved in lower case characters.

When the Risk Management checks are run, a shopper's payment attempt will fail this check if the card/account holder name in the transaction details matches those held on this referral list. A payment status of REFUSED will be assigned. Details you add in this referral list will be applied immediately by the Worldpay system.

For full details of using this page, refer to Page description - card/account holder name.