Logging-in and passwords

The following describes how to log in to the Recurring Payments (FuturePay) service and how to resolve password issues.

Logging into the Recurring Payments service

You login using the Merchant Interface, then select the FuturePay option from the left-hand Menu.

Forgotten your password?

A login details retrieval feature is available on the Login page to help you retrieve login details if you have forgotten them.

This feature is also available to shoppers when they login to the Shopper Management System.

Resetting a shopper's password?

When you reset a shopper's password via the View Agreement Page, the payment system auto-generates a new password for the shopper. For security reasons, the username and new password are sent to the shopper in separate emails. The shopper is requested to change this password the first time they use it.

For more information about resetting a shopper's password, please refer to Shopper's Password - Reset.

Agreement/Payment confirmation page

This page is displayed to your shoppers when they set-up a Recurring Payments agreement. The shopper's username and password are shown in BOLD.


If you have forgotten your password, select the Help button at the top right of the page to display the relevant Help topic.