Introduction to Fraud: Procedures to adopt > Define your risks

Define your risks

You should define the fraud risks specific to your business and use them when developing your managing fraud procedures. The risks will depend upon various factors, for example, the type of business or industry you are in, the type of goods or services you supply, their price level, and the countries you deliver to.

You are at greater risk from fraud if you supply high value, branded or otherwise easily traded consumer products that are easy to transport and store.

New enterprises that are not well known retailers also tend to attract fraudsters, who speculate that the merchants will be inexperienced. Similarly, in the service industries, those services that seem easy to deny having been booked or received also rank highly for fraud risk.

You can consider many areas, some of which are as follows:

High chargeback/fraud levels could affect our ability to provide you with a payment service, because of card programs rules relating to excessive chargebacks/frauds.

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