Generate a Transfers by Batch report

To generate the report:

1.       Select the Reports option from the left-hand menu in the Merchant Interface.
The Reports page displays.

2.       Select the Transfers by Batch Report option.
The report parameters page displays.

3.       Select the relevant Merchant Code from the drop-down list (if you have more than one merchant code).

4.       Do one of the following:

a.       Enter the Batch ID number to identify the report you require.

b.       If you do not know the Batch ID:

i.         Click Back to return to the Reports page.

ii.       Select the Transfer Batch report.

iii.      Complete the steps given in Generating a Transfer Batch Report, selecting 0 as the Batch ID.
The report includes the details of all batches for the selected merchant code, including their batch numbers.

iv.      Return to the Transfers by Batch Report  option and enter the appropriate Batch ID number.

5.       Select the Format you require from the drop-down list.

6.       Select one of the following Output parameters:

a.       Click the Show on Screen radio button, to display the report on screen. To display it in a new window, select the Open in New window checkbox.

b.       Click the Email me the Report radio button and enter the relevant email address, to receive the report via email.

7.       Click Generate to create the report.

To clear all the fields on the page click Clear Form.

To return to the report generation page, select Go Back.