The Deposit Overview section on the Financial Status page displays details of the reserve or reserves that comprise your deposit for this merchant code. The details on this page reflect the current position at last transfer. Our payment service has three types of reserve:
Fixed reserve
Disputes reserve
Rolling reserve
For details, see Your deposit.
1. Select the Financial Status option from the left-hand menu to open the Financial Status page. (Note if you have more than one account, and have not yet selected a merchant code, you will be asked to do so on accessing this page.)
2. Locate the Deposit section. This displays the overall status of your deposit.
3. Select the Deposit Currency or Amount hypertext link to view details of your reserves.
This page is divided into two parts:
Required - displays a breakdown of the reserves required by our payment service and the total amount required for all reserves.
Actual - displays the actual status of the deposit (actual amount required is displayed in the Required in Cash field) and the monies currently held (displayed in the Currently Held field). The Difference field displays any shortfall or surplus.
If required, select the Initiate Payment of a Deposit Amount button to pay a deposit shortfall. You can pay using a variety of payment methods including cheque, credit card, debit card, signed direct debit and regular bank transfer. For further details, see Pay a deposit shortfall.