Merchant confirmation email

The Merchant confirmation email is sent to you each time a transaction is successfully processed via your Payment Service pages. You will receive a Merchant Confirmation email when a shopper's purchase reaches a Payment Status of 'AUTHORISED' or 'SENT_FOR_REFUND'.

You can change the email address the Merchant confirmation email is sent to. For details please refer to Changing your email address.

Adding extra text and information

Some shopper details already appear in the Merchant Confirmation email, such as the shopper's Name and Address. However, you can add extra shopper details and some transaction-specific information, including:

For a complete list of these parameters, please refer to the redirect specific parameters chapter in the Hosted Payment Page (HTML Redirect) Guide.

You can add extra information to your Merchant Confirmation email by downloading the appropriate email messages_*.properties file for a language, and customising the messages to suit your needs, then uploading the modified file to your Test environment.

Examples - adding text

To add text:

1.      add the following fields to the email messages_*.properties file: these are the fields that refer to the top, middle and bottom areas of your Merchant Confirmation email:

2.      add the extra text by entering it after any of the "=" symbols of these fields - depending on where you want the extra information to appear. For example, the following lines would add the text 'Put this at the top' to the top part of your confirmation email: Put this at the top

Adding extra transaction information

To add extra transaction information you can use our standard parameters. For example, to add a description of the item purchased:
email.merchPurch.bottom= Item Description: <wpdisplay item=desc>