You can change the email address to which Merchant Confirmation emails are sent in two ways, as described below.
Method 1 - For an Installation:
1. Login to the Merchant Interface.
2. Select the Installations option from the left-hand menu. The Installations page will open.
3. Open the relevant Integration Setup Page by selecting the Setup spanner button for the installation.
4. Navigate to the Merchant receipt email address field, and enter your desired email address for your email confirmations.
5. Select the Save Changes button to save your changes.
This email address will override the email address specified in Profile > Configuration Details for this installation only. |
Method 2 - For a Merchant Code:
1. Login to the Merchant Interface.
2. Select the Profile option from the left-hand menu, then select Configuration Details. The Configuration Details page will open.
Note that if you have more than one merchant code you will first be prompted to select the relevant one.
3. Navigate to the Email Address Configuration area.
4. Set the Send automatic email receipts for purchase payments field to 'Yes'. Alternatively, to stop receiving Merchant Confirmation emails, select 'No'.
5. Navigate to the Email Address for Receipts field and enter your desired email address for Merchant Confirmation emails.
6. If desired, enter an email address for your support staff into the Merchant support email address quoted in shopper receipts field.
This email address will then be included in the confirmation emails sent to shoppers.
7. Select the save button to save your changes.
The email address specified in the Configuration Details will apply to all installations in the selected merchant code - unless individual installations have email addresses specified for them, as described in Method 1 above. |