You can use merchant-defined, custom parameters, such as the MC_ or CM_ parameters, to add content to the Payment Service pages and the Confirmation emails.
You will need to supply these parameters, with values, in the order details submission.
Alternatively, you can gather the values from the shopper via form elements within the paymentTopFields.html, paymentMiddleFields.html and paymentBottomFields.html parts of the Payment Page. For more details, please refer to Structure of the Payment Page.
You can also use the Payment Page editor to add custom parameters to Shopper Confirmation emails. For details, please refer to Shopper Confirmation Email. |
For more information about using custom parameters, please refer to the Payment Response Guide.
To include your own merchant-defined, custom parameter in a Payment Service page:
1. Download the relevant Payment Service HTML file,
2. Open the file with a text editor and add the tag at an appropriate place in the file. For example, use the tag:
Where "MC_myText" is the name of your own merchant-defined parameter. For details of including our standard parameters, please refer to Dynamic Information Parameters.
3. Save the file and upload it to your Test environment,
4. Include the parameter MC_myText and its value in the order details submission, for example:
<input type=hidden name="MC_myText" value="Thank you for taking advantage of our special offer.">
You can also gather the value from the shopper via a form element within the paymentTopFields.html, paymentMiddleFields.html or paymentBottomFields.html parts of the Payment page.
Your text message will now appear in the Payment Service page when it is displayed.
You can apply the same procedure to the Confirmation emails - make the changes to the relevant email messages_*.property file for your language. |
The following example of the resultY.html file returns a response to a shopper who has just paid for their order - in this case, a software download.
The example depends upon the custom parameters CM_download_URL and MC_shipping_address and values being included in the order details submission. |
<title>Thank you for your payment</title>
<WPDISPLAY FILE=header.html DEFAULT="<body bgcolor=#ffffff>">
<h1>My Company Ltd.</h1>
<WPDISPLAY ITEM=name>, thank you for your payment of
<WPDISPLAY ITEM=amountString> for
<WPDISPLAY ITEM=desc>. Please go to <WPDISPLAY ITEM=CM_download_URL> to download your software.
Your magazine will be sent to <WPDISPLAY ITEM=MC_shipping_address>
<WPDISPLAY FILE=footer.html DEFAULT="</body>">
This would return the response:
=== header.html content ===
My Company Ltd.
<name>, thank you for your payment of <amountString> for <desc>. Please go to <CM_download_URL> to download your software. Your magazine will be sent to <MC_shipping_address>
=== then the banner and footer.html content ===