Customise your email

You can customise the email that is sent to the shopper within the Email Preview window that appears below the link creation fields. The Email Preview section updates to reflect the information entered in the link creation fields. For more information about creating a link, see Create a Pay by Link Transaction.

Customising the email

Email text

To customise the first paragraph of the email text:

1.       Click the Customise text button to the right of the Email Preview window

2.       Enter the text you wish to amend and/or add in the window that appears within the Email Preview window
You're able to add a total of 510 characters to the email text.

3.       Click Save text to update the chosen text

4.       The new text will be used for all subsequent emails on this merchant code

If you choose not to customise the email, the default text "[Merchant] are asking you to make a payment." is sent to your shopper when the link is created.

Formatting the email

You're able to customise the text within the email by adding characters before and after text:

Characters Effect
This text is now *bold*. This text is now bold.
This text is now _bold and red_. This text is now bold and red.


Adding your logo

You can add your company logo to the email to help reassure the shopper that they are making a payment to you. To choose your logo, it must be hosted on the internet and you need to know the URL to the logo. If you do not have a website on which your logo is hosted, you will need to host it yourself on an image hosting site.

To add your own logo:

1.       Click the Add logo button

2.       Within the field below URL of logo, enter the URL of the image you wish to upload. The URL must point to an image or gif with a filename that ends in .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png

3.       Click Save

4.       The image will appear in the top-right corner of the Email Preview window

Changing your logo

To change your logo:

1.       Click the Change logo button

2.       The Change logo window appears. The URL of the current logo is shown under URL of logo

3.       To change the logo, delete and paste in a new URL

4.       Press Save

5.       The new image will appear in the top-right corner of the Email Preview

Removing your logo

To remove your logo:

1.       Click the Change logo button

2.       Remove the URL in the URL of logo field

3.       Click Save

4.       The logo will now be removed from the email

Preview your changes

To see what the email looks like:

1.       Click the Send Email Preview button

2.       Enter a valid email address into the Address to send email field and then click Send Email

3.       The email is sent to the email address provided. Rest assured that the Link will not work in the preview