Regular Agreement Parameter Examples

The following examples demonstrate the effects of various combinations of parameters. Please also refer to Regular Agreement Parameters for further information.


Parameter Combination


  • number of payments = 10

  • interval = 1 month

  • normal amount = £60

  • option = 0

After an immediate payment of £60 when the agreement is created, this will produce 10 payments of £60 starting a month after the agreement is created and repeating at monthly intervals.

  • start delay = 1 day

  • number of payments = 10

  • interval = 1 week

  • normal amount = £50

  • option = 0

After an immediate payment of £50 when the agreement is created, this will produce 10 payments of £50 starting the day after the agreement is created at intervals of one week.

  • start date = 2007/05/01

  • number of payments = 3

  • interval = 2 months

  • initial amount = £23.50

  • normal amount = £25

  • option = 0

This will produce 3 payments, the first of £23.50 and the others of £25. The first payment will be on 2007/05/01 and the others will fall on the same day of the month at 2 monthly intervals.

  • start date = 2007/05/01

  • number of payments = 1

  • normal amount = £25

  • option = 0

This will produce 1 payment of £25 on 2007/05/01.

  • start date = 2007/03/31

  • number of payments = 4

  • interval = 1 month

  • normal amount = £25

  • option = 1

This will produce 4 payments of £25 starting on the 2007/03/31 at monthly intervals. On months where there are less than 31 days the payment will fall on the last day of the month. Setting the interval to 4 weeks is not the same as setting it to 1 month.

You can adjust the payment amount with the iadmin servlet, please refer to Automation & Remote Administration in the FuturePay Guide for details. Note that the amount cannot be adjusted when less than 8 days from the next payment date.

  • start date = 2007/04/15

  • number of payments = 2

  • interval = 3 weeks

  • option = 2

This will produce 2 payments, the first on 2007/04/15 and the second three weeks later. Payments will not occur if you fail to set the amount before these payment dates.

You can adjust the payment amount with the iadmin servlet, please refer to to Automation & Remote Administration in the FuturePay Guide for details. Note that the change must be made at least 8 days before the next payment is due.

  • start date = 2007/04/15

  • number of payments = unlimited

  • interval = 13 days

  • normal amount = £10

  • option = 0

This will produce payments of £10 starting on 2007/04/15 and repeating every 13 days until the agreement is cancelled