Change Customer's Email Address

You can change a customer's email address via a button on the View Agreement page. If you need to find an agreement ID for the shopper, click here.

1.       Enter the Agreement ID and click the View Agreement button. The agreement will be displayed in the View Agreement Page.

2.       Click the View Payments button at the top of the page. The payments page will open. If no payments have been made for the agreement, the View Payments button will not show.

3.       Select the Update Shopper Email Address button. The Update Shoppers Email Address Page will open.

4.       Enter the new email address in the New Email Address field, and then select the Submit button.

If successful, a green banner will appear at the top of the page advising you that the email address has been changed. Otherwise a red banner will show the reason why the change failed.

A record of the update will also be kept in the agreement's audit history.