Update the Merchant Reference for an Agreement

You may want to change the reference you assign to an agreement. For instance, when you change the payment frequency/plan or the type of service to which the payments relate.

The reference for an agreement is known in our system as the Merchant Reference, but it is reported in the Payment Notifications feature and in emails as cartId. You can use the Worldpay Business Manager to update this online, with changes effective immediately.

If you need to find an agreement ID, click here.

1.       Enter the Agreement ID and click the View Agreement button. The agreement will be displayed in the View Agreement Page.

2.       Move to the Cancel this agreement row and click Cancel.

3.       Move to the Information area and enter a new merchant reference in the Change merchant reference box.

4.       Click the Submit button.

If successful, a green banner will appear at the top of the page advising you that the change has been made. If not, a red banner will show the reason why the change failed.