Transaction Summary by Purchase Currency

The Transaction Summary by Purchase Currency panel includes information on all submitted, declined, and approved (submitted less declined) transactions, broken out. by purchase currency.

Transaction Summary by Purchase Currency

Transaction Summary By Purchase Currency Field Descriptions



Purchase Currency

The currency used for this group of purchases, designated by a flag icon and a three-letter abbreviation of the currency.

Transaction Type

The transaction type, either Submitted or Declined (one row for each type).

For more information, see Declined Transactions.


The total count and total amount of Submitted, Declined, and approved sale transactions. Approved transactions (submitted less declined) are shown in the top row, in bold.


The total count and total amount of submitted, declined, and approved refund transactions. Approved transactions (submitted less declined) are shown in the top row, in bold.

Net Settled Sales

The total count and total amount of settled funds (settled sales minus settled refunds) before the deduction of any fees, reserves, or chargebacks. Approved transactions (submitted less declined) are shown in the top row, in bold.