Transaction Detail - Recurring Data

The Recurring Data panel of the Transaction Detail screen provides information related to a Create recurring subscription request submitted with an authorization or sale transaction. In addition, iQ displays a similar panel when a payment is generated by the subscription. These panels are only seen if your organization is enabled for the Recurring Engine. The table below describes all possible fields in both panels.

Transaction Detail - Recurring Data Panel for New Subscription

Transaction Detail - Recurring Data Panel for Generated Payment

Transaction Detail - Recurring Data Field Descriptions


Subscription ID

The automatically-assigned identifier for this sequence of recurring billing transactions. Click the Subscription ID hyperlink to see the Subscription Detail screen associated with this ID.

Plan Code

The identifier of a defined recurring payment plan.


The amount defined in the create subscription request (or ‘Not Specified’ if not present). The default amount of the recurring plan is also shown.

Number of Payments

The number of payments defined in the create subscription request, including the initial payment (or ‘Not Specified’ if not present). The default number of payments of the recurring plan is also shown.

Start Date

The date the recurring billing began, or is scheduled to begin (N/A if not present in the request). The recurring billing begins on the date of the payment transaction.

Response Code

The three-digit numeric code returned by Worldpay, which, along with the response message, specifies either acceptance by the Recurring Engine or the reason the Recurring Engine was unable to create a subscription.

Response Message

A brief definition of the response code returned by Worldpay for the create subscription transaction.