Case Detail Additional Data

The Case Detail Additional Data panel contains additional information pertinent to the chargeback including case ID, cycle, queue, BIN, etc. The table below describes all possible fields.

Case Detail Additional Data

Case Detail Additional Data Panel Field Descriptions



Chargeback Ref #/ICN

The unique identifier assigned to a case by either Mastercard or Visa.

Merchant Reference String

The unique identifier specified by your organization. Typically, this is the order number.

Case ID

A unique number that identifies the chargeback case.

ARN (Acquirer Reference Number)

The unique 23-digit identifier assigned to the transaction.


The current phase in the chargeback life cycle.

Chargeback Type

Type of chargeback (typically, either a Deposit or Refund).


The status assigned to a chargeback case. See Responding to a Case for more information on queues.


The Bank Identification Number (first six digits of the card number). If available, click the link to view the BIN Lookup with Results screen (see the Session Activity Report for more information). This is available for Mastercard and Visa only.

Bank Name

The name of the issuing bank.

Payment Processor

The responsible payment processor for the chargeback.

Guaranteed Payment Status

The status of a fraud check performed by Signifyd. Possible values:

  • Accept

  • Reject

  • Hold

  • Unavailable

  • Excluded

  • Pass

iQ displays a value of N/A if there is no result to display.