
The name element has multiple uses depending upon the parent element. In both the billToAddress, shipToAddress and retailerAddresselement structures, it defines the customer name. When used as a child of one of the Recurring Engine associated parents (i.e., createAddOn, updateAddOn, createDiscount, updateDiscount, or createPlan), the name element specifies the name of the parent item being created/updated. . When used as a child of one of sellerInfo, the element defines the business name of the seller.

See the next pages for the element definition when a child of lodgingCharge and propertyAddress.


Type = String; minLength = N/A; maxLength = 100


Parent Elements:

billToAddress, shipToAddress, retailerAddress, propertyAddress, createAddOn, updateAddOn, createDiscount, updateDiscount, createPlan, sellerInfo

You must include the name element for Direct Debit transactions. If you do not submit the customer name in a Direct Debit transaction, we return Response Code 330 - Invalid Payment Type.




Child Elements:
