
The createPlan element is the parent of several child element that define the attributes of a recurring payment plan. You associate Plans with subscriptions to define the billing behavior for the recurring payment.

Parent Elements:

batchRequest, cnpOnlineRequest



Child Elements:

planCode, name, description, intervalType, amount, numberOfPayments, trialNumberOfIntervals, trialIntervalType, active

Example: createPlan Structure


  <planCode>Plan Reference Code</planCode>

  <name>Name of Plan</name>

  <description>Description of Plan</description>

  <intervalType>The Type of Interval</intervalType>

  <amount>Amount of Recurring Payment</amount>

  <numberOfPayments>1 to 99</numberOfRemianingPayments>

  <trialNumberOfIntervals>Number of Trial Intervals</trialNumberOfIntervals>

  <trialIntervalType>Type of Trial Period Interval</trialIntervalType>

  <active>true or false</active>
