
The cnpTxnId element is used to identify transactions in the system. The system returns this element in XML responses. You use it in various requests to reference the original transaction. For example, when you submit a Capture transaction, you include the cnpTxnId for the associated Authorization.

Type = Long; minLength = N/A; maxLength = 19

Parent Elements:

This element is a required child of the following:

This element is a required child of the following: accountUpdateResponse, activateResponse, activateReversalResponse, authorizationResponse, authReversalResponse, BNPLAuthResponse, BNPLCancelRequest, BNPLCaptureRequest, BNPLRefundRequest, BNPLRefundRequest, capture, captureResponse, credit, creditResponse, captureGivenAuthResponse, customerCreditResponse, customerDebitResponse, deactivateResponse, deactivateReversalResponse, depositReversalResponse, echeckCredit, echeckCreditResponse, echeckPreNoteCreditResponse, echeckPreNoteSaleResponse, echeckRedeposit, echeckRedepositResponse, echeckSalesResponse, echeckVerificationResponse, echeckVoid, echeckVoidResponse, fastAccessFundingResponse, forceCapture, forceCaptureResponse, fraudCheckResponse, fundingInstructionVoid, fundingInstructionVoidResponse, giftCardAuthReversalResponse, giftCardCaptureResponse, giftCardCreditResponse, loadResponse, loadReversalResponse, payFacCreditResponse, payFacDebitResponse, physicalCheckCreditResponse, physicalCheckDebitResponse, refundReversalResponse, saleResponse, depositTransactionReversal, depositTransactionReversalResponse , unloadResponse, void, voidResponse, cancelSubscriptionResponse, updatePlanResponse, updateSubscriptionResponse, unloadReversalResponse, submerchantCreditResponse, submerchantDebitResponse, vendorCreditResponse, vendorDebitResponse

While the cnpTxnId is optional in the transaction types listed below, Worldpay recommends you include it whenever possible. Failure to include the cnpTxnId results in missing information in the Associated Transaction Stream section of the Transaction Detail screen in iQ.

This element is an optional child of the following: activateReversal, deactivateReversal, depositReversal, giftCardAuthReversal, giftCardCapture, giftCardCredit, loadReversal, refundReversal, unloadReversal

Although the schema shows the echeckSale and sale transactions, under normal circumstances, merchants would never use this option. When submitting an incermental Auth, the cnpTxnId element ia a required child of the authorization.



Child Elements:
