Using the Merchant Admin Interface

Before you use the Merchant Admin Interface (MAI), familiarise yourself with how to login (especially if you're logging in for the first time), and how to navigate through the menu bars and smart tabs.

Log In

There are several ways to access the Merchant Admin Interface (MAI):

Alternatively, you can also access the MAI from Worldpay's homepage:

  1. Log on to Worldpay.

  2. Click on the Account Login link to open a menu of options.

  3. Locate Corporate Gateway account login (MAI).

  4. Click Log in.

  5. Enter the username and password supplied by our Customer Support.

Logging in to your accounts

Enter your username and password then click Login. You may have access to multiple Merchant Codes, in which case select the Merchant Code you want to access. Once you've selected your Merchant Code, there may be several applications which you're able to choose from. If you only have access to one Merchant Code and one Application, you will not need to choose and will instead be sent straight to the application assigned to your account.

Once you are logged in, you are able to access your other applications by selecting the Switch Application option (located at the bottom of the menu bar on the left of the page).

Logging in for the first time

When you login for the first time, you will need to change your password.

Login failures

You are allowed three (3) attempts to login, after which your account is suspended for 15 minutes.

If you need additional access

If you require additional access, please contact or your dedicated Corporate Support Manager.


Tablet or laptop/desktop

Depending on the device you use to access the MAI, the menu will either appear on the left hand side (laptops and desktop computers):

or, if you use a tablet, the menu bar will appear at the top of the window:

Menu bar

Note:  Be aware that some of the menu items described below are permission-based. Depending on what permissions your account has, you may not be able to see all of the menu items described below.

Help buttons

You can choose your Merchant Admin Interface language using the Select Language drop-down list in the upper right of the Merchant Admin Interface.

Home, help and log off

Other items

Below the menu are the following items:

Merchant Code - The Merchant Code which is being used

Logged in user - The user that is currently being used

Under these is a tool which allows you to choose the merchant code you use in the Merchant Admin Interface, the application you want to use, and whether you want to use Production Mode or Test Mode. It will look something like this:

If you use a tablet, this tool appears at the top of the page in a green button:

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