Capture bank details with OneClick

To start capturing bank details with OneClick, use an HTTPS Form Post to submit a specific set of parameters to the OneClick API.

Worldpay AP uses a browser redirect to return the shopper to your website, including bank data that has been captured by the service.

Request parameters

To start the Bank Details Capture process, submit this data to the OneClick URL:

Parameter name Type (Size) Required Description
service String(18) Mandatory Value must be ‘BANKDETAILSCAPTURE’
merchantID String(9) Mandatory Your 9-character merchant code. Contact us if you don’t know your code.
country String(2) Mandatory The country where the beneficiary bank account is held.
customerRef String(12) Mandatory Alpha-numeric characters identifying the customer. As we do not process this reference, it can be your own reference.
language String(2) Optional The ISO 639-1 2-character language code for this customer. It defaults to English.
receiveCurrency String(3) Optional The ISO currency code of the beneficiary bank account currency. If unknown, we use the local currency code of the country.

Example request form

This is example HTML form initiating the process to capture bank account details for a Euro payment to Spain:






  <form id="frmTest" method="post" action="">

    <input name="merchantId" type="hidden" value="000005TST"/>

    <input name="country" type="hidden" value="ES"/>

    <input name="language" type="hidden" value="ES"/>

    <input name="customerRef" type="hidden" value="TSTEU1234567"/>

    <input name="service" type="hidden" value="BANKDETAILSCAPTURE"/>

    <input name="receiveCurrency" type="hidden" value="EUR"/>

    <input id="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="Continue" />




Returning captured bank details to you

After the beneficiary bank account data has been validated and confirmed it is returned to your website when the customer is redirected.

We can configure three URLs for the user to be redirected to:

  • SUCCESS Redirected under normal circumstances

  • CANCEL Redirected if they click the Cancel button

  • ERROR Redirected if there is an error

You can choose how to receive the captured bank details:

  1. Returned as query string parameters appended to your redirect URL (this is the default: contact us if you prefer to use the other formats)

  2. Posted back in a paymentTemplate XML structure

  3. Returned as a single query string paymentItemId parameter

Returning bank detail query string parameters

You can opt to receive the bank details in a series of query string parameters instead of the captured bank details.

This screen is an example of a French bank details form populated with bank details:

This snippet shows the query string parameters returned if the above form was submitted:

Parameter Name Value
addressLine1 123 Rue Tisserand
addressLine2 Vaugirard
beneficiaryCountry FR
City Paris
Country FR
Currency EUR
customerRef EVTEU1234567
dateOfBirth 1/1/1980
Language EN
postalCode 123456
targetCurrency EUR

Returning paymentTemplate XML

If you have opted to receive bank details in an XML string they will be returned in an HTTP Post field called paymentTemplate.

This is the paymentTemplate XML schema:

<paymentTemplate Name="string" TransferTypeDesc="string" TemplateID="string" TemplateType="string" TemplateCountry="string" TemplateCurrency="string" TemplateLanguage="string">

  <Row Id="string" Value="string" />

  <Row Id="string" Value="string" />


paymentTemplate schema

Lvl Element Attribute Description Values/Limitations
1 paymentTemplate Contains a number of Row elements that represent the captured bank data. Complex Type Mandatory
    TemplateID A unique identifier associated with the given template. Mandatory
    Name The country name the template suits.

Up to 50 characters



Describes the type of bank transfer the template suits.

Examples: “International Payment”, “Local Payment”

Up to 50 characters


    TemplateType An enumeration for the template type.



    TemplateCurrency The currency for the template suits. 3 alpha characters as per the ISO 4217 currency code standard. Optional
    TemplateCountry The country code for the template suits. 2 alpha characters, as per the ISO 3166-1 English country code standard Mandatory
    TemplateLanguage The language presented to the Shopper. 2 alpha characters as per the ISO 639-1 language code standard
2 Row Defines the Id and value of each captured field.

Complex Type


    Id The Id that should be assigned to the control capturing the data.


All possible values are listed in Payment template fields. Mandatory


The captured value for the given bank data field.

Not used in getPaymentTemplates request.



Example of Returning paymentTemplate XML

This screen is an example of a French bank details form populated with bank details:

The table below shows the fields returned to your website if the above form was submitted.

The paymentTemplate field contains all the bank details that have been collected but in an XML structure.

Parameter Value
addressLine1 123 Rue Tisserand
addressLine2 Vaugirard
beneficiaryCountry FR
city Paris
country FR
currency EUR
customerRef EVTEU1234567
dateOfBirth 1/1/1980
language EN
paymentTemplate <paymentTemplate Name="France" TransferTypeDesc="Euro Payment" TemplateID="6e189719ecdae011a6740026b9792fb4" TemplateType="3" TemplateCountry="FR" TemplateCurrency="EUR" TemplateLanguage="en"><Row Id="BankName" Value="BNP Paribas" /><Row Id="CustomerName" Value="Olivier Nocher" /><Row Id="IBAN" Pleceholder="Please enter IBAN" Value="FR1420041010050500013M02606" /><Row Id="SWIFT" Value="BNPAFRPP" /><Row Id="AddressLine1" Value="123 Rue Tisserand" /><Row Id="AddressLine2" Value="Vaugirard" /><Row Id="City" Value="Paris" /><Row Id="Postcode" Value="123456" /><Row Id="CountryCode" DataSource="CountryListDataSource" Value="FR" /><Row Id="DateOfBirth" Value="01/01/1980" /></paymentTemplate>
postalCode 123456
status SUCCESS
targetCurrency EUR

You can extract and submit paymentTemplate with the payToBankAccountV3 API as described in PayToBankAccountV3.

Returning paymentItemId query string parameter

You can opt to receive a single paymentItemId as a query string parameter instead of the captured bank details. We'll capture and store bank details entered by the Shopper and assign them a paymentItemId.

Use this paymentItemId in the MerchantAPI payToBankAccountV3 call as the paymentItemId element. You won't need to pass actual bank details in the API call, reducing complexity and security risks of storing and submitting bank data.

The paymentItemId can be reused any time you want to make a payment with those bank details.

This screen is an example of a French bank details form populated with bank details:

This snippet shows the query string parameters returned if the above form was submitted: customerRef=EVTEU1234567&language=en&country=FR&currency=EUR&

Parameter name Value
customerRef EVTEU1234567
language en
country FR
currency EUR
targetCurrency EUR
paymentItemId 7f6f7337-1a80-e611-b795-005056b70383
status SUCCESS

For further information, see Use the paymentItemId.