
This section covers the steps you need to integrate:

  1. Connectivity Best Practices

  2. Collect the beneficiary's bank account details

  3. Make a payment

  4. Receive the result from us after the payment is sent to the banking provider

Submission URLs

  • Test:

  • Live:

Service WSDLs

  • WSDL Test:

  • WSDL Live:

API methods

The Push to Account service uses the following methods and objects from our API:


When you make this request, we'll return a paymentTemplate object for you to collect, store and format the beneficiary’s bank details and other payment information. Available for various country/currency combinations.


Use this method to submit a payment request using information gathered by your website or by our system through the Bank Details Capture service.


If you've sent us a response using the corresponding PaymentOutNotificationResponse method, we use this method to notify you of a successful payment.


If you've sent us a response using the corresponding PaymentOutReversalNotificationResponse method, we use this method to notify you of an unsuccessful payment.

Permitted characters

For all fields, you should use only the latin characters (a-z) and digits (1-9).

Collect the beneficiary's bank account details